Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Think Outside The Box

I hate “church buildings”. They have hurt the impact of God’s church. I have seen people divided over what to do with the building, what to do in the building, how to run the building…the stupid useless building gets more attention than people or evangelism. I am sure somebody will disagree with me and say to the extent, “Hey we need to be good stewards of what God gives us to use.” And to that I would say, “Yes, I agree.” But I don’t think God meant for the building to take a more priority over people, His work, or love. People who “go to church” and put more emphasis over the building or the “stuff” that goes with the building to make it look good, probably don’t care too much about God’s agenda. You are probably asking yourself how does this person get off saying that…I’m a paid minister and I have watched people that supposedly were “Christians “ put the building and it’s priorities over Loving God and loving people. I hate “church buildings.” People so much into building these multi-money looking places and forget that these buildings aren’t going to heaven. I have seen more churches loose their focus on God when they focus on a new building or new property and they see dollar signs instead “saving soul” signs. QUIT referring to the building as the church…if you want to be religious or belong to some perfect organized cult, some place that says, “Hey I am better than you because I don’t do that or this”…the church isn’t for you…it’s for the sick and those that recognize that they need a Savior. Over the last decade I have seen people with needs, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically and I have seen people that were “Christians” and including myself look over those people because the building was more important. That is B.S. What good is a building when the people that are suppose to get filled aren’t getting filled with what they need from those that are suppose to fill them…you get a dead church. Can’t give what you don’t have to give. It seems "churches" are in competition to see who can build the better building instead of working together to build the Kingdom…I wonder if God is going to puke us out of His mouth. Maybe it’s time to resurrect the origin of what the church started out to be instead what man has made it to be. Think outside the Box and ask God to be the God of your thoughts because left to your own thinking...leads to destruction.
-dead thinker

1 comment:

Captain Lamewad said...

What you are saying is, buildings stink...
Ok, I get that.
People tend to misuse the resource. I remember when I first got a job, I was in a continuous state of wonder because it seemed to me that if I didn't have a truck, I wouldn't need a job, and if I had a job, I'd need a truck to get to work...
I spent five years supporting a truck, not myself...