Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Instead of asking why me...ask God to help you in seeing every situation or a person through His eyes and not yours. It seems that the best way to minister to people isn't to preach at them but rather to share with them how God used you or helped you through a difficult and painful situation. Pain and struggles seem to be more effective in growing one up than when every thing is hunky dory and God is to recieve glory and not me. Really what have I done or what can I do that can top God...nothing. There is a reason for everything that happens and only God has the answers.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I was in the mood for a little "Deliverance" so I found this on youtube and thought well why not share my mood with the rest of the Internet world. If you like LOTR, than double bonus for you...sometimes you just have to crank up the volume and let the way, they don't make Christian Music like this anymore and I refuse to let go of the beauty of Deliverance, Seventh Angel, Mortification, Tourniquet, and Ethrel Scourge...crank it


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Calling on all Christians…

Are you comfortable? Are you busy with life and getting cozy with where you are? Is lip service the only service you give to God?............REALLY???? Check yourself out in the mirror! I keep running across people who claim to be “Christians” but they really truly live for themselves and speak wonderfully about Christianity without really being a “Christian.” I should know. I gave God lip service most of my life and enjoyed being like a Pharisee because I didn’t have to look at myself. Ask yourself, “how many times do I profess to have faith but never act upon it?’ Ask yourself, “Am I always waiting for someone else to do what God wants?” How often have you felt you were doing God a favor by praying, reading the Bible, going to church, being baptized, etc…when in reality that is God’s gift to you…who do you really think you are? Do you really believe that your gifts were really made for your glory….oh yeah, why aren’t you using them for God’s glory? Oh I am sorry maybe I should water-down the Word of God so it fits more conventionally into your lifestyle…Can you imagine what this world would be like if all of God’s children actually did the things that God created us to do….can you imagine what would happen if all of God’s children actually trusted in God instead of themselves… can you imagine what would happen if all of God’s children actually lived to serve instead waiting to be served…what are you waiting for…are you really what you say you are? Prove it!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Speak Where the Bible Speaks; Silent Where the Bible is Silent...YEA RIGHT!

Speak Where the Bible Speaks
Silent Where the Bible is Silent

What a motto? I grew up in the so called non denominational church as they say and this was the motto but the funny thing was there were a lot things said that the Bible never spoke about, it seemed that we believed in a lot of man-made doctrine. In fact, I don’t know why we ever called ourselves a “Christian” church because we were anything from what the Bible would label a Christian. The church was run like a business with a board that oversaw the duties of a church. The place was full of judges and man if you sinned; you were like an outcast and looked down upon. Gossip should have been a Sunday School class. Hate also should have been a Sunday School class. Everybody dressed up just to play “church”. The impression I received from growing up in this kind of “church” was that we were better than you and we were an example of religion…that’s just it, we were the 2nd coming of the Pharisees and were in denial of it. I truly hate this thinking and I am burned out with the church. Yes I am truly miffed by church. It seems so many people want to play church and be phony. I was phony many years and God finally brought me to my knees and I really saw myself for who I truly was…I know that I am just probably rambling but I am sick of people who call themselves “Christians” and everything they do says they’re not. No wonder why people are so turned off from God’s church. We judge when we have no right to judge, we state our own opinions and beliefs when there is only one Bible, we play God when we are only human, we like to say things that destroy and tear down instead of build and encourage, we believe that we are better when in reality we are sick and in need of a Savior, we expect God to grant us grace and mercy but we don’t want to give out grace and mercy to those around us, we want forgiveness but don’t want to forgive, we want blessings without a relationship with the Blesser, we want to serve God when it is convenient for “me” instead of obedience, we trust ourselves only to fail and don’t trust God who can’t fail, we want our spirit to rule instead of God spirit to lead us, we want what we want when we want it only to become angry and resentful at God because we think He is suppose to be like a “genie in the lamp” kind of god. Wow Jesus died for people like me and you that have/had this kind of thinking. What have we done with Jesus’ church? Who do we think we are? What ever happened to unconditional love? What ever happened to evangelism? What ever happened to “washing others’ feet”? Do you really speak where the Bible speaks? Do you really Love God the way you say you do? Do you really love me like you say you do? So you are a Christian? PROVE IT!